Used FB config:
# GENERATED AUTO 15/03/2024 7:20:26.16, DO NOT EDIT. See H:\QA\rundaily-2023\qa_rundaily.bat for details.
# Parameters from, file: '/configs/fb40_all.conf':
# Common parameters for all 4.x ServerMode values.
# 1. Parameter BugCheckAbort must be 1 to allow dumps be saved when FB crashes.
# 2. Crashes will be intercepted by WER if registry has following key and parameters:
# HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\firebird.exe\
# Parameter 'DumpType', type: DWORD, value: 2
# Parameter 'DumpFolder', type: EXPAND_SZ, value: directory for storing dumps
# Parameter 'DumpCount', type: DWORD, value: at least 3.
# 3. Ensure that key KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
# 3.1. DOES contain parameter: UserDebuggerHotKey REG_DWORD 0x0
# 3.2 Does NOT contrain: "Debugger REG_SZ "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vsjitdebugger.exe" -p ld"
# The latter parameter must be removed if present.
# 4. Following must present in the registry to disable any pop-up window when program crashes:
# key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\
# parameter: 'DontShowUI', type: DWORD, value: 2
BugCheckAbort = 1
# See parameter 'PORT_FOR_LISTENING' in QA_rundaily.conf:
RemoteServicePort = 33337
UseFileSystemCache = true
InlineSortThreshold = 1000
# Valid values: [0...1000]. If set to zero, pool is disabled. Default: 0.
# Actual value was taken from H:\QA\rundaily-2023\qa_rundaily.conf:
ExtConnPoolSize = 10
# Set the time before destroyng inactive external connection, seconds. Valid values: [1...86400]. Default: 7200 seconds.
# Actual value was taken from H:\QA\rundaily-2023\qa_rundaily.conf:
ExtConnPoolLifeTime = 10
# 05-sep-2019, FB 4.x+: intentionally change ReadConsistency with NON-DEFAULT value in order to have ability
# to use BOTH isolation levels for transactions that are to be started in READ COMMITTED mode:
# See test for CORE-5953, "Statement level read consistency in read-committed transactions":
# we test there result for BOTH modes of RC isolation level.
ReadConsistency = 0
# Added 13.04.2019: start implementing tests for verifying DB encryption tasks
# Encryption demo plugin was supplied by IBSurgeon, see
WireCrypt = Enabled
KeyHolderPlugin = fbSampleKeyHolder
MaxUnflushedWrites = -1
MaxUnflushedWriteTime = -1
ExternalFileAccess = Full
# See parameter 'TEMP_DIR' in QA_rundaily.conf:
TempDirectories = H:\QA\temp\qa2023.tmp
AuthServer = Srp, Win_Sspi, Legacy_Auth
UserManager = Srp, Legacy_UserManager
MaxIdentifierByteLength = 252
MaxIdentifierCharLength = 63
WireCryptPlugin = ChaCha, Arc4
StatementTimeout = 7200
ConnectionIdleTimeout = 0
ClearGTTAtRetaining = 0
ClientBatchBuffer = 131072
SnapshotsMemSize = 64K
TipCacheBlockSize = 4M
# Parameters from, file: '/configs/fb40_cs.conf':
# Parameters specific to 4.x Classic
ServerMode = Classic
DefaultDBCachePages = 2048
TempCacheLimit = 128K
# Parameters for tests which must use XNET/WNET
# connection protocols (rather than INET one):
IpcName = xnet_fb4x_cs
RemotePipeName = wnet_fb4x_cs
Unified diff:
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# GENERATED AUTO 16/03/2024 7:09:27.26, DO NOT EDIT. See H:\QA\rundaily-2023\qa_rundaily.bat for details.
+# GENERATED AUTO 15/03/2024 7:20:26.16, DO NOT EDIT. See H:\QA\rundaily-2023\qa_rundaily.bat for details.


# Parameters from, file: '/configs/fb40_all.conf':
